
Smart farming with smart Drive Systems | FAULHABER

Smart farming increases efficiency

What is smart farming and what do FAULHABER drive systems have to with it? In this video, Kevin Moser, our expert for the agriculture market, talks about the benefits of smart farming solutions and the requirements for the drives used in them. Smart farming increases efficiency With an ever growing population, climate change and a shortage of human personnel, agriculture has to face enorme challenges already today and in the future. Smart technology like agricultural robots or automated green houses have the potential to deliver support and increase efficiency in farming. Technologies for smart farming require drive systems that are robust and reliable and take up as little space as possible - like the compact drive systems from FAULHABER.

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Categoria merceologica: Motori standard

Settori: Macchine agricole e Movimento terra , Automotive

Area tematica: Robotica & Meccatronica

Keyword: #drive #systems #applications #robotics #farming